Wayra necklace - handmade (buy)
I've got quite a bit on my plate these days, and lots of things to count down to. All of them good, I think. Let's review
Three days until pay day.
Five outfits until the end of my remix challenge.
Seven days until I move.
Twelve days until I see my FAVORITE band, Bayside.
Twenty-two days until Matthew returns from deployment.
Twenty-seven days until Matthew's birthday.
(He gets to be the same age as me for exactly a month.)
Oh, and speaking of numbers, I got five compliments on my outfit today. And yes, I counted. Don't judge me.
xo, Kellie
I told you!!! And I'm glad you went with that necklace, much less TexMex :) I'll never steer you wrong!! --Jess