I needed an outfit on Thursday that could go from work to work-related play, and my black button-down tank is perfect for dressing up and dressing down. I paired it with a cardigan, trousers, and flats for work, then switched out the trousers for denim shorts, the flats for flip flops, and lost the cardigan and added my plum and black bandeau under the tank for my old boss's going away party after work. (By "old" boss I mean former boss, mid-40s aren't that old, right? Ha.)
Mossimo cardigan (Target) / Finishing Touch tank (Wolfgang) / Mossimo trousers (Target)
borrowed necklace (Forever 21, I think) / thrifted bracelet
borrowed necklace (Forever 21, I think) / thrifted bracelet
Bullhead boyfriend shorts (PacSun - buy similar) / Gentlefawn bandeau (Metropark - buy similar)
Tarina Tarantino necklace (It's Eclectic - buy similar) / Asian bangle (World Market)
Tarina Tarantino necklace (It's Eclectic - buy similar) / Asian bangle (World Market)
I got up early before work to blog this morning. How do you like that for dedication?
xo, Kellie
PS - Jessica is doing wonderful with her remix, anyone else think she should stop stressing? I've got it easier than her, I have to dress for work five or six days a week. Between being a nanny and going to school, I'm amazed the girl has time to blog! Go, Jessica, go!
Love You! -Jess