Shirt- Gifted; Skirt- Anthro; Tights- Target; Flats- Steve Madden; Pandora Bracelet, Owl Necklace- Gifted; Elephant Bracelet- Delia's
Completely unbeknown to me, Kellie also wore stripes today! I like it when we both wear similar pieces, because our individual styles become evident.
That being said, this is one of those outfits that I absolutely loved wearing, but didn't translate that well on camera. However, a lot of my eighth-grade students complimented me, so I know I looked cute! I'm holding my new puppy Clover; she greeted me when I got home from class this evening and I didn't have the heart to put her down to take pictures.
It's going to be a long week; nothing like a good Monday outfit to put one in a good mood!
She's so stinkin' cute! I can't wait to meet her and make Elwood jealous when I come home smelling of another puppy! Hehe. - K