I went and did it. First it was Pinterest, and now I have jumped on the Polyvore bandwagon as well. Thanks to the shopping post in Kendi's Working Closet series I have gotten into the habit of keeping a list of things that I want to add to my closet. This helps me to avoid compulsive shopping or just forgetting what it is I've been wanting to buy, and I keep the list with me at all times in my wallet. So far for this season I've checked off work-appropriate boots, colored tights, a colored blazer and colored pants from my list, but I decided to create a set of the items on my list that I'm still hunting for. (The only exception here are the bracelets in this set, but I have been trying for weeks to get the right combination of bracelets to host my very own arm party, so those, too, are part of an ongoing goal.)
Any other list-makers out there trying to overhaul their wardrobe, or am I the only organized-to-the-point-of-near-insanity blogger ever? I'm thinking not.
xo, Kellie
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