My never-ending quest for the perfect pair(s) of shorts has come to a close. Well, at least until Kellie decides she's ready to shop again and I pay my summer tuition. My mom and I went shopping today to pick out some staples for her -- great success! -- and the Talbots in our local mall was having a closeout sale. EVERYTHING was on sale, plus 60% on top of that-- a dream for this thrifty shopper. Having never been in the store before, I was pleasantly surprised at how cute everything was!
I tried on a ton of stuff, but stuck to my want-vs-need list, hushed my cardigan obsession, and ended up buying just shorts:
This gorgeous pair of silk shorts (my wardrobe is slowly creeping into dry-clean only, I feel so grown up) fit like a dream and are so comfortable. In-store they only had this lovely brown and a sheer tan, but online offers a lot more colors. Also a huge fan of the length-- mature without being dowdy.
I also snagged a longer length pair of gray linen shorts that are a little more professional and classy than my cut-off denim ones. I figured they'd be good for teaching or a fancy date night. I'm thinking of pairing them with black tights and heels when weather gets cooler. Better yet, they were $18. Oh, yeah!
I rounded out my short venture with a white pair from Loft that I've been coveting for a loooong time. They were on sale, 40% off of $50, so I scooped them up.
Hooray for new shorts, and all found on my college-student budget! I'm going to be good, though, and wear them after the remix challenge is over. See, I can follow some rules :)
Happy weekending! --Jessica Sunshine
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